Sunday, May 13, 2007

True Lies

I lie to tell the truth.

I want to journal what I really feel, think, and believe. I want to proclaim how much I make and save, without being worried that someone I know will take advantage of me. I want to share my experiences without it reflecting badly on my career, or upsetting my family. I want my story of my personal growth to be helpful to others who want to change themselves and their lives, without endangering myself or my life.

I write this blog pseudo-anonymously because telling lies that will keep my identity private allows me to be more forthcoming about what really matters.

So, here's what I'm lying about: personal details, identifying characteristics, particularities of my friends and relatives, places, times, and any other trait that could give away who and where I am. For example: if I tell you I went to a concert last weekend, I may have actually gone a month or two ago. If I complain about the air conditioning in my crummy Victorian apartment, it may in fact be a problem in my modern condo. So you can see, it's not all real, but a lot of it is true.

My feelings are true. My finances are true. The goals and the stories I tell about my experiences trying to achieve them are all 100% true. It is why I lie.

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